Friday, December 11, 2015

An Experiment in Dialogue

This initial post is intended to verify that the blog site is working properly.  The purpose of this blog is limited in both design and scope. It serves as a temporary platform for continuing a dialogue on The Republic.  I will, from time to time, post random thoughts related to our ongoing reading of The Republic, along with any tangential musings on how this philosophical work remains relevant to our time.

Right now, I am leaving the blog open, which allows anyone to leave comments. This open platform, of course, will be perceived by some knuckleheads as an invitation for leaving pithy remarks appropos of nothing, i.e., random bits of vitriol. I will monitor the blog and delete all entries that are off topic or abusive. Otherwise, this blog will proceed as an experiment in open dialogue. The primary topic is, of course, Plato's Republic. That is its primary purpose. I don't really care if other people visit the site or not. It functions as a kind of online notepad for me (or others) to leave comments/reflections on Plato's Republic. That is its only purpose.

We'll see how it goes.

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