Thursday, December 17, 2015

Book 2 - Additional notes

The participants in a dialogue obey certain rules which govern their association. They seek common agreement rather than victory. The art of dialectic imposes a kind of justice on those who practice it. Whereas rhetoric, (the art of making long speeches-Thrasymachus) without being questioned, is adapted to self-aggrandizement.

Dialectic: consistent with self-abnegation or giving something up

Rhetoric: prudence, slow to change

Socrates method: irony.

Thrasymachus - the point of view of Thrasy. is analogous to the city.
The interest of the stronger = those who hold power in the city. The sovereign. Thus, justice = whatever the sovereign says it is. Justice is the byproduct of law.

The origination myth: used to justify the founding or establishment of a society. (mythos)

368e - Is the justice of one man equal (or the same) as the justice of a city? in nature, yes.

369b - a city comes into being because each of us is lacking something; as individuals, we are not Self-Sufficent. i.e. we depend on one another.

369d - the hierarchy of needs:
clothing - a city based on necessity, with few members.

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